What is the language of that which we discard? What potential are we missing when we impose our assumptions onto materials? Do I really need to buy new materials to make my creative work? I set myself the challenge of not purchasing any new materials for my arts practice in 2023. This constraint led me to investigate ways to use often-overlooked materials considered “waste”, and explore new construction methods like weaving and basketry (ideas which then fed back into my ceramic works.) Throughout the year, many recurrent themes emerged- deconstruction and recreation, making wholes out of separate pieces, distortion of structure and the vessel. In Nothing New, I will be sharing all of the material research undertaken throughout the year, with a display of tests and experiments showcasing the creative potential of these unlikely materials. I hope that this information will help spark new ideas and demonstrate the abundance that is hiding all around us! The body of work that I created in my Nothing New Year will also be shown for the first time. A series of coiled vessels made in varying media (soft plastics, wire, ceramic and more), the works investigate the phenomena of connections and intersection across materials and ideas.